Sunday, May 16, 2010

sooooooooo close!


Miri Felix said...

Dear Meabh,
I always enjoy seeing/reading your blog. How brave of you to stand up there! also a great picture. you look like a figure being put up there...
You really know how to to tell a story and make a day activity a delight to read.
I'm trying to put my thoughts in to words, not an easy thing for me, so reading your blog help me to think in a more practical and strait way.
My watercolour class has finished. For the summer Betsy smith has organised outdoor painting in various gardens. I've never done it before, my watercolour painting is far from competent but the experience sitting in these amazing gardens was wonderful. A real priviladge.
I'm still not that comfortable with the diciplene but determined to 'play' with the colours.
I need to go out now. it is raining buckets here.
Have a lovely day.
Love to you 3
Miri x

Lindie Naughton said...

Yikes, Maebh!