Monday, July 18, 2011

vive la tapisserie!

Vive la Tapisserie! opened on Saturday evening.

It was a great night, there was a good and very appreciative turnout and after the gallery shut lots of us had supper in the village hall followed by a concert on the green in front of the Tour. Delclaux and Charpentier - accordeon and cornemuse (pipes). I've been trying to post a video of them but without success so far.

There'll be more pictures of the exhibition to follow...


Olga Norris said...

The exhibits and the space look splendid. I like the acrylic boxes very much. I look forward to more photos.

Meabh Warburton said...

Hi Olga,
More photos to come soon.
The presentation in the acrylic boxes is indeed wonderful - it gives coherence to a very varied range of work.