I rarely use texture in my work - here's the only non-flat piece I made last year. It's called Off Kilter. Colour is what really excites me. I am going to make this new piece at a wider set than usual - 10 ends per inch (epi) rather than my usual 16. Apart from wanting a slightly looser texture, more light will hit the threads. I want it to be as rich, colourwise as possible.
Repetition has been an ongoing part of my work recently, repeated shapes: circles, stripes, blocks of colour. Each the same but slightly different. Reading about Marijke Arp in Art Textiles of the World - The Netherlands I was struck by her statement "One poppy is beautiful, but a field of scarlet poppies is fascinating. One person shouting with joy attracts attention, but an exultant crowd makes a deep impression"
Hi Meabh!
I'm a tapestry weaver living in Tucson, AZ usa. I recently joined a tapestry e-list & my blog sparked some lively discussion of blogs... when I mentioned I had been on the hunt for other tapestry weavers' blogs to link to (& read), someone joined the discussion & gave us the link to yours, and also to another in New Zealand! At least 2 of us now have links on our blogs to yours (I'm not sure if any of the other weavers took the "blog plunge" yet, but they probably bookmarked your blog site). So you have gone "international"! I wanted to let you know that I so enjoy reading about what you are up to in your weaving world. There aren't many resources where one can read about & be inpsired by what other serious tapestry weavers are currently doing!
Hello Lyn in Arizona!
The internet is truly amazing isn't it? Thank you for your nice comment. I don't feel much like a serious tapestry weaver at the moment. We have so much to do before this round of DIY is over... so there is just no time for other work.
I read your blog and really like your little Verdin tapestry. I like your plant pictures too - so very different from the flora I'm used to. We are getting used to gardening in hot, dry summers and (sometimes) very cold winters. Spring is a bit grey and mizzley so far.
I shall put a link to you on my blog.
Best wishes,
Thank you, Meabh!
Well, I consider you a "serious" artist. Anyone who can manage to weave & produce works while dealing with the distractions of life is serious! There are quite a few people in my weaving guild who call themselves tapestry weavers, but they don't weave anything! I am determined not to fall into that trap! I think there are times when it seems we weave constantly & times when we fit it in where we can... the key is to never give it up!
Happy weaving & I will be enjoying your blog & checking in every now & then. Thank you for adding myself & Kathy to your blog link list!
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