This is a picture of an appalling little piece of weaving on it's way to the bin.... Why after over 20 years can I not see when something is a) not worth weaving, b) not suitable for weaving and c) do it anyway?
I have a card on my pinboard of a doughty looking woman holding a tea cup, it says 'With a cup of tea in your hand, anything is possible'. I've made one and we shall see...
No, no! Not the bin! Having just been to the ocean, it has a very coastal feel to me. Perhaps it just needs to be mounted on something contrast-y? I quite like it.
too late Kathy!
Having bought, and since treasured, one small weaving of yours, all I can say is 'Non, non, not the poubelle' like Ms Spoering...! I mean, really, couldn't you have donated me?!
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