Monday, November 5, 2007


Two more (just completed) tapestries in my 'Fade' series. Brighton Craft Fair is almost upon us and I'm finishing work and getting ready to make the 600 mile car journey... I'm not looking forward to that bit. The fair is open Friday 23 November to Sunday 25th at the Corn Exchange on Church Street. (Late night opening on the Friday until 7.30) See who is exhibiting here.


lyn said...

Hi Meabh!

I love the graphic style of all of your tapestries & how you are always able to come up with new & exciting combinations. I am also glad to see that everyone (in our little tapestry blog community) is also so very busy... this is supposed to be the time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere, anyhow!) when life slows up a bit, but it feels like I'm busier than ever, so I'm glad to be in good company!


shari said...

love these meabh. hope you are well.

Meabh Warburton said...

Hi Lyn and Shari,
Thanks for the kind words. No slowing down around here - at least not for the next few weeks. Maybe afterwards we'll get back to working on the henshed/studio...